ACTION is without financial guarantees or endowments from any organization. The ministry is a faith work, supported by and dependent on the continued faithfulness of God's people. Each missionary, whether overseas or in the home offices, must look to God to provide his support (living expenses and ministry funds).
Method of Income
It is the policy of ACTION to make known the needs of the Lord's work under its direction, trusting God for His promised supply through His people. Each missionary must trust the Lord for his or her support and ministry work funds as set by ACTION. ACTION encourages and assists, but is not responsible for, raising funds for individual missionaries and ministries. ACTION is an evangelical faith mission and is supported by God through the prayers and gifts of churches and individuals.
While ACTION cannot guarantee salaries or allowances, every effort is made to maintain an adequate living allowance as established by the Sending Country Board of Directors in accordance with the Receiving Country Board of Directors.
Control of Funds
All contributions to ACTION shall be recorded and receipted. Finances are controlled by the ACTION Board of Directors in each country. While funds may be raised and received by an individual missionary or representative of ACTION, legal control of funds remains with the Board of Directors.
All donations received for an approved project or the support of a missionary are used as designated. A percentage is taken for a share in operational expenses. Financial gifts for missionary support must be made payable to ACTION with a notation telling how the gift is to be used.
Receipts are issued for financial gifts received for missionary support and approved projects. Such receipts are valid in the USA and Canada for tax purposes. An acknowledgment, not valid for tax purposes, is sent for personal gifts such as birthday, anniversary and Christmas gifts.
Detailed Financial Policy
ACTION has associate membership with:
World Evangelical Alliance
Christian Leadership Alliance
The Evangelical Alliance (EA) in the UK
World Missions Alliance (WMA)
Canadian Council of Christian Charities
ACTION requires financial accountability and follows established financial guidelines:
The member organization shall undergo an annual audit by and accounting firm or a certified public accountant performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accounting principles
Audited financial statements shall be available upon request
All programs and activities of the organization shall be consistent with their stated purposes and objectives, and donated funds shall be applied for the purposes for which they are raised. The organization shall demonstrate that an adequate percentage of its funds is being applied to programs and ministries
The organization shall carry on its business with the highest standards of integrity and avoid conflict of interest
Financial Responsibility of Ministry Leaders and Missionaries
The ministry leader is ultimately responsible for the financial needs of his or her ministry. This does not mean standing alone in raising these funds because the leader encourages the team to work together, trusting the Lord to use each team member as a channel for funds into the ministry. This goal is best accomplished by effective sharing of information in personal prayer and newsletters. Funds needed for the general operating budget of the ministry, as well as for projects (such as camps, clinics, special outreaches and equipment) should be presented as "prayer targets" in missionary and ministry sponsored letters. Home offices will use these prayer target amounts to assist, as they are able, in helping each ministry reach its financial goals. Also, missionaries should be sensitive to the Lord's leading and be willing to use a portion of the personal work funds which exceed immediate work fund needs in helping meet their own and other ministry prayer targets.
Savings for Personal Emergencies
ACTION encourages its overseas personnel to maintain personal savings to use for emergencies not covered by ACTION's contingency fund.
General financial information for interested donors, churches, and friends
ACTION is an evangelical faith mission and is supported by the prayers and gifts of churches and individuals
Finances are controlled by the ACTION Board of Directors and Councils in each country
All gifts for missionaries and ministry projects are receiptedfor tax purposes. All gifts received for a project or support of a missionary are used as designated
A percentage of each gift is used for operating expenses. An administrative fee of 15% is assessed on donations to ACTION. This fee included 11% which stays with the missionary's home office, 3% which is forwarded to the administrative headquarters on the missionary's field of service, and 1% which is divided among contingency funds and other expenses
The administrative fee is less on special projects (one-time endeavors of limited duration). In the USA, an administrative fee of 10% is assessed for gifts under $5000 and 5% for gifts of $5000 or more for special projects. In Canada, projects are levied 5% regardless of the amount. In the United Kingdom, 11% is charged on project donations under £250, and 5% on gifts of £250 or more. When a project's financial target is met or the project has ended, any remaining funds, or future donations designated to that project, will be used for similar projects or needs at the discretion of Action International Ministries (ACTION).
All missionaries trust the Lord for their support and ministry funds. Budgets are set by the mission. ACTION is not responsible for the support of individual missionaries
ACTION Financial Reports and audits are available upon request
ACTION follows the financial guidelines of the Evangelical Foreign Missions Association (EFMA). These are:
The mission shall undergo an annual audit by an accounting firm or a certified public accountant performing in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards using generally accepted accounting principles
Audited financial statements shall be available upon request
All programs and activities of the organization shall be consistent with its stated purposes and objectives, and donated funds shall be applied for the purposes for which they are raised. The organization shall demonstrate that an adequate percentage of its funds is being applied to programs and ministries
The organization shall carry on its business with the highest standards of integrity and avoid conflict of interest
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any ACTION office.